Saturday 26 January 2013

ChocolateS a day keeps the worries away ;)

The moment you say chocolate to some one, what do you infer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
"A smile on the face, Change of mood to joyful, A small excitement, Instant flow of energy and Ofcourse one will be looking forward to eat one". That is the power, Chocolates hold till date, a symbol of happiness.The best way to share happiness to others. I personally likes chocolates for many other reason.

   Chocolates may not give the required nutrients, but it gives necessary energy to swap to a good mood. I should say Chocolates played a major role in my life right from my school days. It always gave me a joyous mood, let it be giving to others on my birthday or sharing it among friends and collegues.
Some of my favourite chocolates during school days would be Mango Bite and Koka Naka, candies which are very famous that time, its almost extinct in reason days. It lasted till my 5th standard then i swapped to BUNKERS, not a day went without eating that. Once the school gets over, i'll buy that from the opposite shop, since each pack will have 5 chocolates, ill always share it with friends. In the same time BOOMER and PIM POM too was so famous, so we used to take on alternative days. I still remember one of my friend used to buy that full box of boomer and used to bring some for friends daily. Eventhough pocket money during school days is less, we friends will share and still will go with chocolates. Chocolates after lunch, chocolates at the end of last period, choclates on birthday, chocolates on independence day, republic day, teachers day, childrens day, Handfull of chocolates, school life with enjoyment.Those were memorable period of chocolates in my life.
After my school days, these candy's vanished with time. I m forced to try new chocolates. This time i found a different variety, a chocolate which is still famous, MUNCH.. I used to eat some 3  or 4 in a week. As the time progresses, went on to try different brands of same kind of bar chocolates PERK and KITKAT.

   One Interesting thing is that, i haven't tried any diary milk products till my college days, But it is my mom's favourite always, then one day when my mom asked me to try Diary milk FRUIT & NUT. I just got addicted to it later. Whenever i go to shop, ill come back with one Fruit and Nut. and Inbetween tried some other chocolates like milkybar, Bournville. Myself and my mom used to experiment lot of foreign chocolates and some untried Indian chocolates too. But nothing impressed me

   After my college days i joined TCS in bangalore, The intensity of consuming chocolates slowly reduced for some months, May be because My favourite chocolates were never found very often, atleast near my office zone. Then one day my collegue gave me a 5 Star CRUNCH, infact that is only chocolate available most of the time in my office. Fortunately the taste of that one almost resembled fruit and nut, but still it couldn't beat up diary milk's Fruit &Nut quality and taste

   The only chocolate which i never liked when i tried it first and started to eat like anything is SNICKERS. I didnt even heard about this chocolate before. It  is one of my friend's favourite actually.  Bought it for my friend and then i also tried it, Din't like it first but when i tried it for second time, i dont know why i liked it again

   I always look forward for this moment, to eat chocolates with my mom in home.The moment i go home, first thing is do is to check for the variety of chocolates in the freezer. i'll not be disappointed, my mom will always keep some colourful yummy chocolates for me ;)

 I dont know when the day will come when i say i dont want anymore chocolates in my life,  Who knows that day might not come at all. After all Chocolates become part of my life

Chocolates, an undeniable friend in my daily life

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